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Farmers Branch Approves Anti-Immigration Measures

By Bill Zeeble, KERA reporter

Farmers Branch, TX – Farmers Branch council members spent all afternoon in closed session, working to fashion tough, legal, immigration policies first proposed months ago by Councilman Tim O'Hare. Meanwhile, in the city hall lobby, hundreds who opposed the items and hundreds who favored the policies gathered and shouted. After the jam-packed council meeting finally got under way, Mayor Bob Phelps read the 3 proposals. One was a resolution making English the official language of Farmers Branch. Councilman Charles Bird indicated it should be national policy

Charles Bird, Farmers Branch Council member: I'm just sorry the federal government has put us in this position.

Zeeble: Bird said he knew the resolution was divisive. So were the other items, including a memo of understanding authorizing Farmers Branch police to investigate the immigration status of jail detainees. That work's usually done by federal immigration officers. The 3rd measure was an ordinance requiring that landlords rent only to those who can prove their legal status. Otherwise, they face a maximum 500 dollar daily fine. Council member Tim O'Hare's proposals passed unchallenged.

Farmers Branch Councilman Tim O'Hare This is the right thing for Farmers Branch. It'll benefit every single person in the city regardless of race, color creed origin, so long as they are here legally.

Zeeble: Members of the League of United Latin American Citizens, including Carlos Quintanilla, of Farmers Branch, believe these new rules are illegal.

Carlos Quintanilla, Farmers Branch LULAC: We'll go into court and file federal suit against Farmers Branch to enjoin the city from implementing legislation which is illegal and unconstitutional. The apartment ban, the English only, every legislation approved today that's anti - American and unconstitutional.

Zeeble: O'Hare backer Gerald Colgrove, a Farmers Branch cab driver, said the items approved by the council were neither anti-American, nor, discriminatory, as Hispanics alleged

Gerald Colgrove CABBY: I have nothing against anyone. I want all to have the American dream. But you can't have the dream if you don't follow the law. Cause that's what holds us together. Because without it we have anarchy.

Zeeble: State Representative Rafael Anchia, of Dallas, took a more moderate view of the city's measures. As a resolution, The English Only item, he said, doesn't carry the weight of law. The increased authority of local police regarding those in jail, is limited, and training could be expensive. As for the apartment ban,

Rafael Anchia, State Representative: Other jurisdictions have seen that kind of legislation and have struck that down in court. I suspect you'll see litigation on the renter ban.

Zeeble: Farmers Branch is the first town in Texas to approve such anti immigration measures. One female protestor last night was detained by police and arrested for disorderly conduct. Police say another was held and released. For KERA 90.1 I'm Bill Zeeble