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The Glenn Mitchell Show, 7/29/05, Hour 2: Comedy & Improvisation


Dallas, TX –

KERA 90.1's Glenn Mitchell Show

July 29, 2005, Hour Two

Topic: Comedy & Improvisation

Guests: Charna Halpern, Eddie Brill & Randy Bennett

Description: How hard is comedy? It's been said many times that performing comedy improv is just as difficult as dramatic acting - if not harder. We'll spend this hour with three participants in the 2005 Dallas Comedy Festival which began on Wednesday and runs through Sunday at the West End. Our guests will be Charna Halpern, co-author of "Truth in Comedy: The Manual of Improvisation" (Meriwether Publishing, 2004); Eddie Brill, warm-up comedian and talent coordinator for comedians on "Late Night With David Letterman;" and Randy Bennett improvisation and comedy writing instructor who began his career with Phil Hartman and Paul Reubens as a performing member of The Groundlings.

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