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District 14 Candidates Set to Face Off in Saturday's Run-Off Election

By Catherine Cuellar, KERA 90.1 reporter

District 14 Candidates Set to Face Off in Saturday's Run-Off Election

Dallas, TX –

Catherine Cuellar, 90.1 reporter: District 14 candidates Angela Hunt and Kathy Ingle finished the May 7th election with 41% and 31% of the vote, respectively. But with the strong mayor proposition defeated and summer vacations beginning, both candidates are working hard to get out the vote Saturday.

Angela Hunt, District 14 candidate: Hello again.

Cuellar: Angela Hunt has been walking the district for six months. The 33-year-old attorney has served on several city boards addressing cultural affairs and the 2003 bond election. She also made her mark as vice president of the Dallas Homeowners League, founder of the "Save the M Streets" neighborhood group, and a Preservation Dallas board member.

Hunt: I bring understanding of needs across the city, not just in district. I also think it's critical to have a personal understanding of public safety issues. I have ridden with police officers throughout our district to understand what they deal with on a daily basis. I have been to crime meetings throughout our district and throughout our city.

Cuellar: Public safety is also the chief concern for candidate Kathy Ingle. A businesswoman and mother, Ingle is the former chair of the DART board and a past member of the Greater Dallas Planning Council, and currently serves on the transportation committees of Dallas' Convention and Visitors Bureau and Chamber of Commerce. She is emphasizing economic development and transit.

Kathy Ingle, District 14 candidate: Transit will be the key to the future in the heart of Dallas and therefore the key to the heart of District 14 and how we support that, zone for it and put in infrastructure around our rail system will determine how well we move forward. There are many diverse issues that we intend to work on, we will work on but we have to have a way to pay for and the way to pay for 'em is to focus on economic development.

Cuellar: Ingle has the endorsement of the Dallas Morning News. Angela Hunt has the endorsement of term-limited District 14 council member Veletta Lill. But the endorsement of their former opponent, Candy Marcum, has generated the most attention in the race. Marcum, who is a lesbian, initially threw her support behind Ingle. Then Marcum withdrew her endorsement, but declined to endorse Hunt, after learning that 10 years ago, during a preliminary vote on the DART board, Ingle voted against including sexual orientation in DART's non-discrimination policy. Although city races are non-partisan, Ingle is still endorsed by the Log Cabin Republicans. At a recent campaign fundraiser, Ingle explained her concerns at the time of the DART votes.

Ingle: Questions were raised regarding legality, liability for DART. DART went on to approve an anti-discrimination policy that included sexual orientation, was one of the first in the region to implement that policy. As chair, I embraced it, implemented it, and enforced it. I stand on that record.

Cuellar: For her part, Hunt says she has listened to citizens and is trying to stay positive and focused on the issues.

Hunt: I am proud of my record. I am proud of my experience in our district and our city and we have a lot of work to do, so let's get started, and let's not get bogged down in making personal attacks. That old-time divisiveness and combativeness, to me that's something of the past and I want to bring something fresh and new to city hall, and that is inclusiveness, diversity, a positive attitude. And we need the right leadership to push us into the 21st century.

Cuellar: Dallas city council runoff elections in District 14, as well as districts 2, 8, and 12, will be held this Saturday, June 4th. For KERA 90.1, I'm Catherine Cuellar.


For more information on the runoff elections, click here.