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Rep. Grusendorf Releases District-by-District Funding Under HB 2

By J. Lyn Carl,

Austin, TX –

Rep. Kent Grusendorf (R-Arlington) today sent to all members of the Texas House a memo that includes district-by-district printouts reflecting the impact of CSHB 2, his committee substitute for the public school reform bill that passed out of the House Public Education Committee this week and is slated to be taken up on the House floor on Tuesday, March 8.

Grusendorf said in the memo that a technical correcting amendment will be offered when the bill comes up Tuesday. The elements in the correcting amendment are listed at the top of the printout. The printout by district shows maintenance and operation (M&O) revenue (state and local), M&O revenue per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for state and local funds, M&O revenue per ADA for all funds, and estimated recapture. Those figures are listed for FY 2006 under the current law, under CSHB 2, and for FY 2007 under current law and then under CSHB 2.

It also includes a final column that shows the difference in funding by district comparing current law to CSHB 2, including the biennial difference in M&O revenue, the biennial percent change, the difference in M&O revenue per pupil for 2006 and 2007, and the tax rate change under current law compared to under CSHB 2.