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TX House Speaker Craddick Cites Priorities, Says House May Adjourn Jan. 13-24

By Jennifer Bendery,

Austin, TX –

With the first of the 140 days of the legislative session now behind Texas lawmakers, newly re-elected House Speaker Tom Craddick (R-Midland) today held an impromptu press conference on the House floor, where he emphasized school finance, children's protective services and workers' compensation reform as issues that will dominate the agenda of the 79th Legislature.

This session is "off to a good start," said the House Speaker. This is due in no small part to congressional redistricting and a major budget deficit being topics of the past, he said. When asked if it he thought it was risky to refer to this session as "the school finance session," Craddick said no and that issues like the state budget and school finance "work hand in hand." Still, he acknowledged there is no consensus yet on a school finance bill.

Craddick said he anticipates the House to meet daily through Thursday, Jan. 13, and then recess until Monday, Jan. 24. During that time, he said 55 House members will be attending events related to the Presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. Craddick said he expects House committees to be discussed during the week of Jan. 24.

When asked if he thought two House election contests will overshadow the business of the House, Craddick said no and that Rep. Will Hartnett (R-Dallas), who is overseeing the contests in his appointed role as Master of Discovery, is "tremendous." Members of the Select Committee on Election Contests will "just work through the process," he said. Craddick said he expects committee members to "do their job" and to "make strong recommendations one way or the other."