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Proposed Texas Constitutional Amendments

Dallas, TX – Texans go to the polls Saturday, September 13 to vote on 22 proposed amendments to the state constitution, including propositions to:

- Expand religious organizations' exemption from certain property taxes (Prop. 3)

- Allow refinancing of a home equity loan with a reverse mortgage and allow home equity lines of credit (prop. 6 and 16)

- Allow a qualified political candidate to take office without an election if the position is uncontested (prop. 8 and 18)

- Affect the use of income and appreciation of the permanent school fund (prop. 9)

- Allow the legislature to authorize and regulate wineries in Texas (prop. 11)

- Limit non-economic damages assessed against a provider of medical or health care and, after January 1, 2005, to limit awards in all other types of cases (prop. 12)

- Allow local taxing authorities to freeze property taxes on residential homesteads of elderly and disabled persons (prop. 13 and prop. 17)


Informational Links

Texas Secretary of State's Elections Division's complete list of the proposed amendments as they appear on the ballot

The Texas Legislative Council's analysis of the proposed constitutional amendments