Austin, TX – The Texas Senate will operate with 15 committees during the 78th regular legislative session, two more than in the previous biennium, Lt. Gov.-elect David Dewhurst announced today. Nine committees will be headed by Republicans, and six by Democrats, continuing the Senate's tradition of bipartisanship, Dewhurst noted.
The two new committees are Infrastructure Development and Security, under Chair Steve Odgen and Vice Chair Gonzalo Barrientos; and Government Organization, under Chair Rodney Ellis and Vice Chair Jeff Wentworth. Additionally, International Relations and Trade, previously the Border Affairs Subcommittee under State Affairs, has been elevated to full committee status. It will be headed by Chair Eddie Lucio and Vice Chair Eliot Shapleigh. The Redistricting Committee has been combined into Jurisprudence, and one committee, General Investigations, will not be used in this session.
Lt. Gov.-elect Dewhurst said he had great confidence that the Senate would operate again this year in full accordance with Senate traditions and processes, including its legacy of civility and bipartisanship. "We are facing a very difficult budget year, and we must address numerous issues of concern to every Texas family," Dewhurst said. "We are extremely fortunate to have an ideal blend of veteran legislators and new talent as we confront the biennium's legislative agenda."
Dewhurst noted that he was particularly impressed, as he has held extended discussions with all 31 Senators, with the wealth of experience among the Senate's first termers. Some have extensive legislative records of accomplishment in the Texas House of Representatives, and others have valuable background in health care and business. "We have an extremely talented Senate, enriched by diverse experiences and backgrounds," Dewhurst said.
"Everyone is determined to address the serious issues we face in a spirit of bipartisanship, cooperation and mutual respect," Dewhurst said. "As a body, the Texas Senate is well positioned to handle this year's budget problems and to make Texas an even better place to live and work."
Administration Committee has jurisdiction over all operational and administrative matters of the Texas Senate and sets the Senate local and uncontested calendar.
Chair: Senator Chris Harris
Vice Chair: Senator Juan Hinojosa
Members: Senators Mike Jackson, Kyle Janek, Leticia Van De Putte, Jeff Wentworth, John Whitmire
Business and Commerce Committee oversees all matters relating to the general business climate of Texas, including economic development.
Chair: Senator Troy Fraser
Vice Chair: Senator Kip Averitt
Members: Senators Kenneth Armbrister, Kim Brimer, Craig Estes, Mike Jackson, Eddie Lucio, Leticia Van de Putte and Tommy Williams
Criminal Justice Committee controls all matters relating to the penal code and the Texas prison system.
Chair: Senator John Whitmire
Vice Chair: Senator Tommy Williams
Members: Senators John Carona, Rodney Ellis, Juan Hinojosa, Steve Ogden and Bill Ratliff
Education Committee oversees all matters concerning public education and institutions of higher education.
Chair: Senator Florence Shapiro
Vice Chair: Senator Royce West
Members: Senators Kip Averitt, Kyle Janek, Steve Ogden, Todd Staples, Leticia Van de Putte, Tommy Williams and Judith Zaffirini
Note: Education will have a Higher Education Subcommittee chaired by Senator West and including Senators Averitt, Janek, Staples and Van de Putte
Finance Committee will oversee all state budget and revenue matters.
Chair: Senator Teel Bivins
Vice Chair: Senator Judith Zaffirini
Members: Senators Kip Averitt, Gonzalo Barrientos, Kim Brimer, Robert Duncan, Kyle Janek, Jane Nelson, Steve Ogden, Florence Shapiro, Eliot Shapleigh, Todd Staples, Royce West, John Whitmire and Tommy Williams
Government Organization Committee will examine the organization of state government in an effort to improve efficiency.
Chair: Senator Rodney Ellis
Vice Chair: Senator Jeff Wentworth
Members: Senators Kenneth Armbrister, Teel Bivins, Kim Brimer, Bill Ratliff and John Whitmire
Health and Human Services Committee will provide oversight on all matters concerning public health and welfare.
Chair: Senator Jane Nelson
Vice Chair: Kyle Janek
Members: Senators John Carona, Bob Deuell, Mario Gallagos, Jon Lindsay, Bill Ratliff, Royce West, and Judith
Infrastructure Development and Security Committee will oversee state transportation issues as well as homeland security.
Chair: Senator Steve Ogden
Vice Chair: Senator Gonzalo Barrientos
Members: Senators Bob Deuell, Rodney Ellis, Jon Lindsay; Frank Madla, Florence Shapiro, Eliot Shapleigh, and Jeff Wentworth
Intergovernmental Relations Committee will oversee all affairs between state and local governments.
Chair: Senator Frank Madla
Vice Chair: Senator Kim Brimer
Members: Senators Bob Deuell, Mario Gallegos and Jeff Wentworth
International Relations and Trade Committee will oversee all matters concerning trade relations with foreign countries.
Chair: Senator Eddie Lucio
Vice Chair: Senator Eliot Shapleigh
Members: Senators Teel Bivens, John Carona, Craig Estes, Jane Nelson and Judith Zaffirini
Jurisprudence Committee will oversee matters pertaining to the court system and all areas of law except penal law.
Chair: Senator Robert Duncan
Vice Chair: Senator Mario Gallegos
Members: Senators Bob Kip Averitt, Teel Bivens, Chris Harris, Eddie Lucio and Royce West
Natural Resources Committee has jurisdiction on all matters concerning the conversation of natural resources and the control of land and water development.
Chair: Senator Kenneth Armbrister
Vice Chair: Mike Jackson
Members: Senators Gonzalo Barrientos, Robert Duncan, Craig Estes, Troy Fraser, Juan Hinojosa, Eddie Lucio, Jon Lindsay, Florence Shapiro and Todd Staples
Note: Natural Resources will have an Agriculture Subcommittee chaired by Senator Duncan and including Senators Lucio and Estes
Nominations Committee considers all gubernatorial appointments to facilitate the constitutional duty of the Senate to advise and consent.
Chair: Senator Jon Lindsay
Vice Chair: Senator Bob Deuell
Members: Senators Gonzalo Barrientos, John Carona, Chris Harris, Juan Hinojosa and Mike Jackson
State Affairs Committee will oversee all matters concerning state policy and the general administration of state government.
Chair: Senator Bill Ratliff
Vice Chair: Senator Todd Staples
Members: Senators Kenneth Armbrister, Robert Duncan, Rodney Ellis, Troy Fraser, Chris Harris, Frank Madla and Jane Nelson
Veterans Affairs and Military Installations Committee will oversee issues facing veterans and matters concerning military base closures.
Chair: Senator Leticia Van de Putte
Vice Chair: Senator Craig Estes
Members: Senators Troy Fraser, Frank Madla and Eliot Shapleigh