Five stories that have North Texas talking: a “sanctuary cities” bill advances in the state senate; more details emerge about last week’s earthquakes; Texas may limit abortion options for teens; and more.
A Texas senate panel approved a “sanctuary cities” bill. The Texas Tribune reports: “A bill banning so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ in Texas – the common term for local entities that do not enforce immigration laws — advanced out of a Senate subcommittee on Monday. Senate Bill 185 by state Sen. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock, would cut off state funding for local governments or governmental entities that adopt policies that forbid peace officers from inquiring into the immigration status of a person detained or arrested. Some Texas cities have taken the position that such enforcement is the federal government's job, not theirs — which Perry patently disagrees with. “Rule of law is important and we must ensure that local governments do not pick and choose the laws that they choose to enforce,” Perry told the subcommittee.” [Texas Tribune]
- More earthquakes rattled North Texas last week than was previously reported. The Dallas Morning News reports: “Turns out, there were not three earthquakes on Thursday, as we (and everyone else) reported. There were four, with a fifth early Friday morning. The U.S. Geological Survey didn’t add those to the ever-growing list of North Texas tremors until late Sunday night. … The fourth and final Thursday quake came at 11:28 p.m. — an M2.4 in the heart of Las Colinas. Friday’s quake, a rather diminutive 2.2-magnitude wake-and-quake, rolled through at 3:58 in the a.m. And this one was deep in the heart of Northwest Dallas.” Irving and northwest Dallas have recorded 60 earthquakes in the last year, The News reports. [The Dallas Morning News]
- Texas may limit an abortion option for teens. The Associated Press reports: Texas, like many other conservative states, has strived to make it difficult for women to have abortions. But a little known legal process in the state is helping 300 to 500 pregnant terminate their pregnancies each year without involving their parents. Through Texas' so-called "judicial bypass," girls younger than 18 may ask a court for permission to have an abortion instead of their parents. About 20 percent of abortions that Texas minors undergo are approved through the court process. Texas conservatives, however, are pushing to make the court approval rarer. Under new proposals in the Legislature, girls would have to provide more proof showing they are mature enough to make the decision and fear abuse by their parents. Some of the proposals are expected to pass. [Associated Press]
- A petition is circulating to replace Gov. Greg Abbott as the University of North Texas commencement speaker. WFAA-TV reports: “Some students posted the petition on, saying Governor Abbott's views don't align with UNT's. ‘The University of North Texas' student body is made up of students from all walks of life. Therefore, it is pivotal that our keynote speaker be someone who reflects not only our student population but our views on equality and representation. Governor Abbott is an advocate for immigration reform, border patrol, and anti-equal marriage laws. This does not align the spirit of the University of North Texas which prides itself in providing equal opportunities for their students.’” More than 1,600 people have sgined the petition. [WFAA-TV]
- George W. Bush and Laura Bush are getting another grandchild. Jenna Bush Hager announced Monday on NBC’s “Today” that she will have a daughter in August. It’ll be her second child. Bush talked about how her daughter Mila, who turns 2 this month, likes to boss around the former president. “Today” reported: “Both Mila's father and grandfather are totally wrapped around her little finger, Jenna revealed. President Bush goes by the nickname Jefe with his granddaughter, which means boss in Spanish, Jenna explained, ‘But really what happens is that Mila just bosses Jefe around: 'Jefe, sit down, Jefe, tea!'’”