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The Election Day Ebola Quiz: Match The Politician And The Quote

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, center, addressed a gathering on Ebola preparedness last month at Hackensack University Medical Center.
Mel Evans
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, center, addressed a gathering on Ebola preparedness last month at Hackensack University Medical Center.

This Election Day comes as the world is dealing with an Ebola crisis. Eager to educate the public and/or pander to paranoia, politicians have been eagerly weighing in on the disease. Can you match the quote and the speaker?


1. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have an Ebola outbreak, we have bad actors who can come across the border. We need to seal the border and secure it."

2. "I don't believe when you're dealing with something as serious as this that we can count on a voluntary [quarantine] system. This is government's job."

3. Answering a question about the possibility of ISIS terrorists flying into the U.S. deliberately infected with Ebola: "I think that is a real and present danger."

4. "We don't just react based on our fears. We react based on facts and judgment and making smart decisions."

5. "Containing the outbreak in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone is the right thing to do for humanitarian reasons, but it's also essential to protecting the American people."

6. "I'm asking those people who were in contact with infected people — stay at home for 21 days. We will pay. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your kids. Enjoy your friends. Read a book. Read my book."


a) Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin

b) Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-New York

c) Gov. Chris Christie, R-New Jersey

d) Rep. Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina

e) Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida

f) President Obama

ANSWERS: 1/d; 2/c; 3/a; 4/f; 5/e; 6/b

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